Professional Engineering of Cast and Natural Stone Cladding and Anchor Systems

Professional engineering of Cast and Natural Stone Cladding and Anchor Systems:

Our engineering services comprise the schematic design of anchors and anchor assemblies, including the selection of anchor and fastening materials and combinations of materials for optimum results. CCS determines the forces (i.e. wind velocity, dead and live loads as well as seismic) that a structure must withstand, and engineers the anchors accordingly.

HOWEVER as we have been builders, stone setters and masons ourselves we know the value of your opinion thus, as part of our design process, we expect that you will have input and we will incorporate your input into the system design to come up with a solution that will work in the field and meet local building codes. Each anchor design and stone engagement is calculated in detail to ensure the material’s size and quality can handle the anticipated stresses.

Two packages are available

  • Basic design – this package is comprised of anchor fabrication tickets as well design calculations. The material selection, anchor design and fastener design will be calculated and stamped by a Professional Engineer in the State the project is located in.
  • Setting package – this package is comprised of anchor fabrication tickets, design calculations and location schematics for the setters use.The material selection, anchor design and fastener design will be calculated and stamped by a Professional Engineer in the State the project is located in.
    •  Each anchor type and typical stone assembly will be detailed and all anchors will be shown in the setting drawings (if CCS is not supplying the cast or natural stone, you will need to supply CAD file for us to coordinate documents).